EatSmart stands for reasonably priced food, freshly cooked and prepared with passion - just like at home
Enjoy your favourite and delicious meal freshly cooked from someone in your area. EatSmart connects the offer "COOK" and the demand "EAT". Nowadays, a lot of people do not have the time to cook themselves but are also fed up with the boring FastFood. Let's benefit from EatSmart! You are only a few clicks away from changing you eating habits and joining a growing community.
HomeDossier is an online tool that supports private and professional people to do a nice and neat PDF dossier of their apartment or house that they like to sell or looking for a tenant. With the help of the tool the user is able to create a PDF with the information of his apartment easily and in no time.
About Us
KAIT is a ldt with its head quarter in Switzerland and has its competence in the elaboration of online tools and mobile applications including all the back end tasks and administration.
KAIT is doing the development, production and marketing of applications as well as the products and projects that are in relation to such. KAIT is doing mainly projects in the area of online tools and mobile applications.
Partners and Founders:
Bsc Business Administration in Finance & Banking
Lucerne University of applied Sciences and
Arts - Hochschule Luzern